Farm Team

Farm Team was created in the Fall of 2011 as a bench-building effort to identify and train the next generation of pro-choice Democratic women candidates and staffers.

We have created three programs under the heading of Farm Team to build the Democratic bench by preparing these women to run for elected office, work on campaigns or contribute to progressive organizations, including WIN List.

By creating Farm Team, we not only build infrastructure critical to WIN List’s long-term success, but we tangibly contribute to the future of the greater Democratic community.

The three programs that make up Farm Team are (click on each program to learn more):

WIN Leadership Academy: an annual, year-long program where women are selected to participate with a group of peers to prepare to run for local office while balancing family, work and political life.

WIN Corps: a program that provides young women with an opportunity to go through our campaign training and work on campaigns of our endorsed candidates for a modest financial stipend. WIN launched WIN Corps in 2010, and will run this program in even years.

WINternships: ongoing opportunities offered to undergraduate and graduate students looking for credit or the general experience of working with WIN List.

For more information about Farm Team, please contact:

Adrienne White | Chair
Phone: 404-350-0241