Rep. Kim Schofield

Rep. Kim Schofield

HD 63

Rep. Kim Schofield wrote this recent op-ed about gun violence for The Atlanta Voice.

Gun Violence Shatters Communities

As this is the season for graduations, weddings, family reunions and more we find ourselves saddened and caring daily grief of these lost lives. As another somber anniversary of gun violence passes, our nation finds itself mired in the pain and tragedy caused by this ongoing epidemic. Families torn apart, communities still shattered, and lives forever changed by acts of senseless violence. Despite the growing demand for action, it is disheartening to witness the Republican Party’s refusal to pass common-sense gun reforms that could save lives. Nowhere is this call for action more urgent than in the state of Georgia, where residents are demanding a change.


The Lingering Pain

The pain inflicted by gun violence is not confined to the moment of the attack; it ripples through time, leaving indelible marks on survivors, families, and communities. With each passing year, we are reminded that the wounds do not heal easily. As legislators, we are reminded of our constituents that we have lost. We must not allow ourselves to become desensitized or complacent in the face of these tragedies. It is incumbent upon our elected officials to address this issue with the urgency and seriousness it deserves.


A Call for Common-Sense Gun Reform

Common-sense gun reform is not about infringing upon the rights of responsible gun owners; it is about implementing measures that can help prevent tragedies from occurring in the first place. Universal background checks, closing loopholes, and banning military-style assault weapons are just a few of the measures that could make a significant difference. These are not radical ideas; they are practical steps that have been proven effective in other countries and even in some states within our own nation.


The GOP’s Resistance

Sadly, despite the mounting evidence and the pleas of countless Americans, the Republican Party continues to resist meaningful gun reform. Their allegiance to partisan ideology and special interests has prevented progress on this critical issue. It is disheartening and disgusting to witness elected officials prioritizing political games over the safety and well-being of their constituents.


Georgians Demand Action

Georgia has been particularly hard hit by gun violence, with tragic events like the recent shooting in at a Northside Hospital facility in Midtown, the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings serving as painful reminders of the urgent need for action. The citizens of Georgia are not content to sit idly by as their communities suffer. They are demanding change, and their voices cannot be ignored. It is time for all lawmakers to listen to their constituents and act in their best interests.


As we reflect on yet another anniversary of gun violence, the pain, tragedy, and trauma persist. The GOP’s refusal to pass common-sense gun reform is a grave disservice to the American people. The demand for change is palpable, and nowhere is it more evident than in Georgia. No more excuses! We must come together, across party lines, to prioritize the safety and well-being of our communities. It is time for action, for empathy, and for the realization that the lives lost to gun violence are not statistics but loved ones who deserve and demand a better future.

State Representative Kim Schofield serves the citizens of House District 60, which includes areas of Southeast Atlanta, East Point, College Park, Forest Park and Hapeville. She was elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 2017 and serves on the Small Business Development, Interstate Cooperation and Health and Human Service committees. She is an appointed member to the Atlanta Commission on Women. As a public servant, Kim lives out her core values of access, action and accountability.

Rep. Schofield is passionate about addressing issues that impact House District 60, such as access to quality health care, affordable housing, education and protecting senior citizens. During the 2019 legislative session, she introduced legislation that would create a grant program to encourage certain physicians to practice in underserved areas of the state. Rep. Schofield has also advocated for expanding Medicaid and has helped pass homestead exemptions for senior citizens in her district. She has also worked to improve workplace equity, pay equity, and she advocates for environmental justice and agriculture.

Kim’s professional career spans across healthcare, financial, transportation, education and nonprofit agencies. Kim has more than 15 years of experience in consulting, coaching, teaching, training workshops and engagement seminars, bringing alignment within political, corporate, community, law enforcement, healthcare and faith-based organizations.

Kim is a small business owner. As a personal development strategist, her coaching practice, Other People’s Potential Coaching, works with individuals and organizations to position them for maximizing their capacity.

Kim holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in theology and organizational leadership. In 2020, she will hold a doctorate from Oral Roberts University. In her health policy work, Kim was appointed by former Governor Nathan Deal to serve as the chair of the Georgia Council on Lupus Education and Awareness. She holds a federal appointment to the Health IT Policy Committee and crafts legislative policy recommendations to the National Coordinator for Health IT as a framework for the development and adoption of a nationwide health information infrastructure. Kim has also worked as a lupus research specialist at the Emory School of Medicine, and she serves as an advocacy chair for the Georgia Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America.

Kim has authored several articles and has been a reoccurring guest on television, radio and other media outlets. Kim is the proud mother of her daughter, Kyler, a 2012 graduate of Duke University; Kyler is an assistant director in film and television and a member of the Directors Guild of America.

Her recent initiatives, “Crucial Conversations: Connecting Law Enforcement with the Community They Protect” and “Serve and Understanding Invisible Disabilities in the Workplace,” have gained traction and recognition in corporate America, academic institutions and faith-based and non-profit organizations.


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