Rep. Miriam Paris
HD 142
HD 142 Rep. Miriam Paris is a native of Macon, where she has served on her friends and neighbors on the city council and as a State Senator and Representative.
Her father, the late Javors J. Lucas, was a member of the Macon Water Authority in 2005 when he told her: “Honey I think you should run for office – you’d be good at it.” She was elected to the city council in a 2006 special election and by the next year had been unanimously elected by her colleagues to serve as President of the fifteen-member council.
She served one term in the state Senate from 2010 to 2012 and then was elected to the House District she now represents in 2016. The district includes the southwest corner of Macon and surrounding portions of Bibb County outside the city limits.
Rep. Paris was educated in the Macon-Bibb County public schools and received her bachelor’s degree in communications from Mercer University. She has been a realtor for 27 years and is associated with Coldwell Banker.
“Stronger families make stronger communities, has been my motto. We secure the success of our children’s future through a quality public education system. This must be a top priory for our state and county,” she said of her service on the House Education committee.
Her House committee assignments include Appropriations, Economic Development & Tourism, Education, Special Rules and Urban Affairs. Among her many community activities are service on the board of Manna Ministries and work with both the Macon Chamber of Commerce and New Town Ministries.