Yesterday brought news that in Georgia the war on women continues to escalate. But this time it is not our General Assembly or members of our Congressional delegation leading the attack. Instead it was Governor Deal and an unelected board full of his cronies.
The vote was orchastrated by Gov. Deal, after the State Legislature refused to take this action during the last legislative session.
WIN endorsed Rep. Pat Gardner’s reaction to the Governor’s action is dead on. “I’m furious. And I think every woman and enlightened gentleman in Georgia should be infuriated. This is a decision for a family and their doctor, not for a governor to make.”
This is why WIN List needs your support today. Your gift of $50, $100 or $250 will help us make sure that Rep. Gardner and our other WIN women have the help they need to turn back this draconian action.
Thank you,
Lauren Benedict
Chair, Georgia’s WIN List