Peach Pundit’s mostly male editorial staff hit a new low in today’s newsletter by describing Elena Parent (a former Georgia House Representative and endorsed candidate of Georgia’s WIN list) as a “legislative Barbie.”

Really? Let’s compare your credentials with hers guys.  Where’s your Phi Beta Kappa key and law degree from one of America’s most prestigious schools, The University of Virginia Law School (where Elena graduated in the top ten)?

Oh, we get it, your comments are because Elena happens to be blonde. What is this, an episode of Madmen?  Is this 1963 or 2013? 

You should be ashamed of yourselves.  To call an accomplished and experienced woman like Elena Parent a “Barbie” is the worst kind of offensive stereotype.  This outrageous Neanderthal language has been used for years to put women in their “place.”  But  courageous, strong women like Elena Parent just ignore creepy comments like yours and keep on achieving.

We are thrilled that Elena Parent will run for Jason Carter’s senate seat, and look forward to an exciting race.