2015 Legislative Breakfast: Featuring Justice Leah Ward Sears

Justice Leah Ward Sears
Justice Leah Ward Sears

January 28, 7:30-9:30am  Central Presbyterian  (201 Washington St. 30303)

Justice Sears is the first African American female Chief Justice of any state’s highest appellate court in the United States, in which she served 17 years, including four years as Chief Justice. She is the first woman and youngest person to serve as a Fulton County Superior Court Judge, and first woman to win a contested statewide election



Also featured:  A panel of our Endorsed Legislators on “The State of Women in Georgia” (a report card from the Center  for Progress),  upcoming legislation that will impact women and families throughout our state and why we must elect more progressive women to Change the Face of Power in Georgia.

And presenting our WIN Leadership Academy Graduates of 2014