ATLANTA, GA, UNITED STATES, November 6, 2018
Georgia is at the epicenter of the nation’s “Year of Women” in politics for a number of reasons:
- Stacey Abrams would become the first woman elected as Georgia’s governor and the first black woman elected as governor nationwide. Sarah Riggs Amico would become Georgia’s first woman Lt. Governor. Georgia is one of only two states with Democratic women as nominees for both Governor and Lt. Governor.
- With three additional women running for statewide seats, Georgia is in the top tier of states for the number of women on the statewide ballot.
- With a total of 91 Democratic women candidates, Georgia is tied with the state of Maine for the most women on its November ballot nationwide.
- Georgia has long been a leader in the south for the number of women serving in the legislature. Georgia has the highest number of black women legislators for any state in the nation.
Georgia’s WIN List, the state’s leading PAC for training, recruiting, electing and reelecting Democratic women, has endorsed 36 women for the 2018 Midterm election. There are 33 currently-serving women who were previously endorsed by WIN List seeking reelection as well.
These diverse and well-qualified women have raised millions for their campaigns and knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors, often reaching out to voters who have never been visited by a candidate before. Georgia’s WIN List has presented more than $100,000 in checks to the 36 campaigns with endorsed women this year – three times more than we have ever presented in our 18-year history.
As election results pour in on Tuesday evening or news organizations need expert analysis concerning this “Blue Wave” of women WINners, please contact Georgia’s WIN List. We will be more than happy to help you and your audience understand why so many Georgia women are expected to WIN their races, in many cases defeating Republicans for seats long held by members of the state’s patriarchy.
Please contact us at:
Melita Easters
Executive Director and Founding Chair
Amanda Kelly
Communications Director
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