Sometimes, for women, the necessary preparations to get ready for a long holiday weekend create a high level of stress. Invariably, we set aside interesting looking articles about current events for later.
In recent days, there have been many articles about reproductive freedom, the abortion bans passed in Georgia and other states and other issues regarding choice and feminism which you may have “intended” to read. We hope during this holiday weekend, you will find the time to prop up your feet and read a few of our
In an eloquent column for The Bitter Southerner, Gray Chapman makes the case for why men should make their voices heard in the fight for reproductive freedom.
The states passing abortion bans have a few statistics in common and the maps which accompany the recent article in are surprising:
Why Can’t These ‘Pro-Life’ States Stop Killing Infants All the Time
Gerrymandered districts created the political climate which allows
How Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Paved the Way for Abortion Bans
A Pulitzer prize winning reporter who covers the Supreme Court talked about the complicated issues surrounding abortion in the judicial system. This New Yorker interview is an enlightening read:
Supreme Court Reporter Defines the Threat to Abortion Rights
Precisely how, and when, abortion became a rallying cry for the “religious right” may not be as clear-cut as you think. An old, but authoritative, article has been posted widely on social media sites in recent days and sheds light on the subject:
The Real Origins of the Religious Right
Another old article on the same subject is also interesting:
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion
A New York Times
After a whole bunch of serious reading, you may need a laugh. Samantha Bee’s sex education lesson for senators is “