by Georgia's WIN List | Aug 9, 2023 | WIN Blog
Below is the text of Tuesday’s Heather Cox Richardson newsletter from the early morning hours of August 9 as published on Facebook and mid-morning on Substack. The paragraphs below appeared at the end of a longer column which first examined Biden Administration...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 17, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN Blog
HD 83 Rep. Karen Lupton served on Chamblee’s City Council before WINning her house seat in 2022 to join the largest ever freshman class and is now working to forge strong relationships with fellow DeKalb County officials. Professionally, Rep. Lupton is a choral singer...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 12, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN Blog
A young Valencia Seay, growing up in Herndon Homes, the 520-unit Atlanta public housing community demolished in 2010, might never imagined at the age of 70 she would be retiring from a three-decade career of public service, including 20 years as a Georgia Senator. In...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 12, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN Blog
A mother of two, Teri Anulewicz had served a decade on the Smyrna City Council, including a term as Mayor Pro Tem, before she won a 2017 special election without opposition to serve as the local state representative since. “When I ran unopposed in the 2017 special...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 10, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN Blog
A minister and former military chaplain, Senator Tonya P. Anderson began her political career at Lithonia City Hall before moving to the Capitol for two terms in the House followed by a 2016 WIN to serve Senate District 43 since. Senator Anderson’s trajectory could...