Miriam Paris

Miriam Paris

Senator Miriam Paris | Senate District 26 Checks Payable To: Paris for Senate Campaign Address: 469 Third Street • Macon, Georgia  31204 Campaign Phone: 478-508-4797 Email: Paris4Senate@Gmail.com The number of progressive, pro-choice female voices in the Georgia...

Another Voice to Protect Reproductive Freedom

Last week, Melissa Carter with GAVoice, wrote an insightful piece on the proposed legislation that would restrict reproductive freedom in Georgia and why that issue should be important for the GLBT community.  Here is an excerpt that gets to the heart of why this is a...

WIN List participates in strategic planning

With the assistance of long range planning expert, Neil Sklarew,  the Board and staff of Georgia’s WIN List spent Saturday working on a strategic plan expected to carry the organization forward for the next 4-6 years.  The process will  continue for the next...


Reproductive freedom is under attack again in Georgia. In just 30 days, the state legislature will reconvene for the 2012 session. On the agenda: A criminalization bill that is being promoted as a “Personhood Amendment”. This bill redefines the definition...