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I was reminded why it’s imperative for progressive, inclusive, and diverse candidates to run for office. The greatness of the United States has been its ability to attract the best minds and strong work ethic of the world. The exponential economic and cultural growth of Gwinnett is prime example of America’s greatness.

Yesterday, I had the distasteful experience of listening to a call from a male as he yelled racial slurs and profanity to the effect that Mexicans were destroying his country and that I should go back to Mexico.

This, of course, is disheartening but also reinforces my desire and that of my team to work harder. Moreover, I am always encouraged that these experiences unite us across our racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity.

That’s why we celebrate the unique assets and skills that the diversity of Gwinnett brings to our great state of Georgia.

It also emphasizes our vision of “Bridging our Neighborhoods to our Government” so that we do not allow racism and spiteful prejudice to undervalue people that live and love Gwinnett, Georgia, and the United States.

At the end of the day, we are sisters and brothers and know diversity is beautiful but unity is powerful. ‪#‎votebrendalopez‬ ‪#‎district99‬ ‪#‎may24‬

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