Georgia leads the nation for the number and percentage of Black women legislators. Georgia WIN List has also been a leader for recruiting, endorsing, and helping elect women who represent other forms of diversity as demonstrated by the 2000 endorsement of Dr. Karla Drenner, who became the first LGBTQ legislator in the southeast as noted in NYT reports at the time. Currently, four LGBTQ women serve in the Georgia General Assembly. Further, WIN List endorsed the first Latina and AAPI women legislators in Georgia as well as the first Muslim legislators and women who immigrated from other countries. When WIN List was founded in 2000, only two women legislators had school age children. Of the 50 WIN List legislators currently serving, 17 are the mothers of children in high school age or younger and two more have children in college. This places moms “in the room” when policies which impact Georgia families are crafted.