Mary Blackmon Campbell
HD 97
Mary Blackmon Campbell
Georgia’s WIN List is proud to endorse Mary Blackmon Campbell for House District 97 covering West Gwinnett County areas of Duluth, Sugar Hill, and Buford. Campbell, a native Georgian, is trying to flip this seat from red to blue.
As a community leader, small business owner, domestic abuse survivor, Campbell is uniquely connected to her District and its issues. She co-founded Find Your Voice, an organization that promotes a community of informed citizens. Campbell also volunteered for the Citizens Budget Review Committee in 2017 and 2019 and served as the President of her neighborhood Women’s Association.
Mary is a strong advocate for women’s right to safety and bodily autonomy and children’s right to safe, gun-free schools. Mary lives in Duluth with her two sons. A few issues Mary feels strongly about:
Georgia Families: Mary believes Georgia families deserve paid family and maternity leave, tax policies that put the working and middle class first, rights to organize in labor unions, and a living wage. Her top priorities include alleviating the burden of high childcare costs on families with children, providing more support for those who work in early childhood education and childcare, and increasing support for our educators.
Domestic Violence: As a survivor of domestic abuse, Campbell is strongly for prohibiting those convicted of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and abuse from possessing firearms by implementing permanent protective orders. She also believes that law enforcement should be required to temporarily confiscate firearms at domestic violence scenes and will work to increase support for women and families to leave abusive partners.
Healthcare: Mary is in favor of expanding Medicaid in Georgia because she believes in healthcare solutions that expand coverage, ensure access, and reduce costs to an affordable level for everyone. The maternal mortality crisis is a huge issue in Georgia, so Mary will work to expand access to comprehensive medical care to help Georgia women and families.
Education: Mary supports fully funding public schools, ensuring educators have resources, and supporting students with unique needs. She is deeply concerned about the school-to-prison pipeline and believes that all students should be able to achieve academic success regardless of their background. She thinks Georgia needs to restore the fully funded HOPE Scholarship program for higher education and technical training.
Transportation: Campbell would work with local leaders to create a comprehensive transportation solution including public light rail, a bus service, investments in improving traffic and road quality, and bike/walk trails.
Small Business: As a small business owner for 12 years in Gwinnett County, Campbell recognizes the need to adjust the economy to recognize and support small business rather than prioritizing out of state corporations and large businesses.
Civil and Voting Rights: Mary is an advocate for securing elections, expanding early and absentee voting, voter registration ease, and ending voter disenfranchisement. She supports the creation of a statewide civil rights and non-discrimination law and a strong hate crimes law.
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