Rep. Imani Barnes
HD 86
Georgia WIN List is proud to endorse Imani Barnes for House District 86.
Imani Barnes is a Public Health doctoral candidate, biomedical research scientist, youth development coach, and parent and community advocate. Imani recognizes the need for inclusion at the capitol which reflects the interests of the diverse families, businesses, and underserved populations in the district.
Imani supports the rights of all citizens to have the freedom to live their lives as they choose. She wants to obtain educational funding for pre-K-12 children to develop outlets to engage with activities, mental health programs, and nutritional programs. Furthermore, residents are burdened with the inflated cost of living associated with lack of affordable housing and Imani will fight for increased support for housing assistance. As a woman of color and member of the LGBTQ community, Imani empathizes with your concerns and understands that the success of HD 86’s future depends on the inclusion of the unique heritage of its residents.
Throughout Imani’s career as a scientist, she studied the effects of economics on health and sustainability, as well as nurtured partnerships to facilitate youth development. In her industry, Imani is known for resolving issues without bias using data generated by implementing the scientific method form of analysis. HD 86 needs a Representative in the House that can relate to your concerns, articulate your needs, and use science to address your interests. Without progressive policies that protect our interests, we are in jeopardy of inhibiting our county’s full economic potential.
With your vote, Imani will continue to serve our community by drafting policies that support inclusion, fair and affordable housing, and safe spaces for all individuals.
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