Georgia’s WIN LIST invites women like you to learn how to make a difference in our state.

Political Opportunity Training Event
September 27, 2013
8am registration – 5pm
(presented in conjunction with Emily’s List)

Register Now!

If you are contemplating running for a political office, preparing for the next campaign or seeking the answers you need for your decision, we invite you to join us.

We’ll show you the ropes that have helped over 101 Democratic women members of Congress,19 senators, 10 governors and over 500 state and local women representatives get elected.

EMILY’s List’s Political Opportunity Program (POP) was created for women just like you – qualified, pro-choice Democratic women ready to wage and win campaigns for state and local offices.

If you’re still thinking about it, our program helps you ask yourself the right questions. And, if you’re ready to take the next step, we’ll help you get your campaign off to a solid start.

JOIN US! We need to hear the voices of more women like you in Georgia.