Photo credit: Erik Voss

Electing WINning Women in Georgia Since 2000

Georgia WIN List is a grassroots Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia by recruiting, training, supporting, electing and re-electing Democratic women for statewide and legislative office who will be effective advocates for the issues most important to women and families, including the preservation of reproductive freedom. Since 2000, we have helped elect and re-elect more than 90 endorsed women, with a record setting 49 of them currently serving – 12 in the Senate and 37 in the House. We have trained more than 2,200 women to run for office over the years.

Limited Edition 2024 Georgia WIN List T-Shirt

Soft blue cotton fabric with a wave of women taking over the capital. The back of the shirt lists all of the 2024 endorsed candidates and their districts.

Get Connected & Read Our Blog

45 “New Faces” Elected in Georgia Since 2017

For many, Wednesday morning of last week was much like the day after Election Day in 2016 when former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton lost her presidential bid. Now, following the Vice President Kamala Harris loss, many of us are equally frustrated....

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Celebrate President Jimmy Carter’s 100th Birthday!

Celebrate President Jimmy Carter’s 100th Birthday!

As he celebrates his 100th birthday, it is appropriate to recognize President Jimmy Carter for the advances made towards the pursuit of equality and justice for women on the global stage during his presidency and post-presidency. As president, Jimmy Carter appointed...

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WIN List Women for 81 of 159 Counties

WIN List Women for 81 of 159 Counties

Fulton County – 20 endorsements include 14 incumbents: Senators SD 36 Nan Orrock and SD 39 Sonya Halpern as well as Representatives HD 50 Dr. Michelle Au, HD 51 Esther Panitch, HD 52 Shea Roberts, HD 54 Betsy Holland, HD 55 Inga Willis, HD 57 Stacey Evans, HD 58 Park...

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25 Years of Electing Women in Georgia

Endorsed Women

Currently Serving Endorsed Women

Women Trained

Contact Us

10 + 4 =

(470) 228-0440
Georgia WIN List
1579 Monroe Dr. – Suite F – 428
Atlanta, GA 30324