Photo credit: Erik Voss

Electing WINning Women in Georgia Since 2000

Georgia WIN List is a grassroots Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia by recruiting, training, supporting, electing and re-electing Democratic women for statewide and legislative office who will be effective advocates for the issues most important to women and families, including the preservation of reproductive freedom. Since 2000, we have helped elect and re-elect more than 90 endorsed women, with a record setting 49 of them currently serving – 12 in the Senate and 37 in the House. We have trained more than 2,200 women to run for office over the years.

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A Remarkable Rise for Senator Valencia Seay

A Remarkable Rise for Senator Valencia Seay

A young Valencia Seay, growing up in Herndon Homes, the 520-unit Atlanta public housing community demolished in 2010, might never imagined at the age of 70 she would be retiring from a three-decade career of public service, including 20 years as a Georgia Senator. In...

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Rep. Evans Appointed to Literacy Council

Rep. Evans Appointed to Literacy Council

HD 89 Representative Becky Evans now includes service on a newly-created 30-member statewide Georgia Literacy Council and work at the intersection of social justice and climate change to her already busy schedule representing a central and south DeKalb County...

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24 Years of Electing Women in Georgia

Endorsed Women

Currently Serving Endorsed Women

Women Trained

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(470) 228-0440
Georgia WIN List
1579 Monroe Dr. – Suite F – 428
Atlanta, GA 30324