Rep. Park Cannon

Rep. Park Cannon

HD 58

Georgia WIN List is proud to endorse Rep. Park Cannon. House District 58 includes diverse, vibrant and historic Atlanta neighborhoods stretching from Virginia Highlands on the northeast of the city to South Fulton on the southwest.

A Georgia native, she attended UNC-Chapel Hill, graduating with a degree in Hispanic Linguistics and Linguistics, with a minor in women’s and gender studies. She has spent her career in in Black Women’s health promotion and prior to her election, lobbied as a health advocate. She lives in the Old Fourth Ward.

“I’m incredibly proud to be a community organizer, a reproductive justice advocate and a longtime Old Fourth Ward homeowner,” she said. “I have locked hair. I identify as queer. I grew up in a single-parent household that was shaped by domestic violence. I love my middle-class multi-generational home. I grew up with celebrities’ kids and kids who went home to no lights. I was even homeless for a semester in college. I think that where you come from and what you have seen along the way matters, as we are made of these experiences.”

“There is not ONE District 58 – there is a rainbow of experiences and needs. And, our community is fantastic, but not without its challenges. We are struggling with real and ongoing voter suppression efforts, lack of affordable housing, lack of income equality, lack of access to quality, affordable healthcare and a growing, under-served unsheltered population in a city doing less when we need to be doing more,” she said.  

The theme of her campaign is “Better solutions for a better Georgia.” If re-elected she pledges to continue as an advocate for balanced, smart and neighborhood approved growth, more good jobs for the district and to continue to work as a strong ally for schools and to increase affordable healthcare options of all. Since first elected during a November 2015 Special Election at the age of 24, Park has been a fierce advocate for LGBTQ issues, a woman’s reproductive freedom and for voting rights.

Visit her website, donate to her campaign, and follow her on Facebook.