Show your resolve to keep the momentum of the Women’s March alive by becoming a part of the Georgia’s WIN List WINning team in any of the following ways:

AAttend our Legislative Breakfast Thursday January 26. Please reserve tickets by Tuesday because Chef Lo Clark at Central Presbyterian has planned a delicious breakfast menu – including his renowned brown sugar bacon!  You will not want to miss our endorsed “Winning Women Have Their Say” about key legislative issues of the day beginning at 7:45 am. Many of our endorsed women will attend and it is always a January highlight for Winning Women to attend.  Better yet, join our Host Committee and support for our efforts to change the face of power as we train and recruit women for the 2018 election cycle and beyond. Host committee or tickets purchase here:

B – Be a Leader or sharpen your leadership skills by applying to our signature year-long WIN Leadership Academy program or one of our three one-day “Boot Camp” training sessions April 3 in Savannah or April 5 and 6 in the Northern and Southern Atlanta suburbs. These sessions train our future candidates for campaigns at all levels. WLA applications are due February 3. If you don’t wish to train yourself, suggest the training to others who have great leadership potential and perhaps offer to write the recommendation letter required for WLA applicants. Read more about these programs and apply here:

C – Connect with our WIN List endorsed elected women during the three WINning Women Capitol Calls planned for February and March during selected lunch hours. These calls will feature legislative updates on specific issues and offer members of the WIN List community the opportunity to submit questions to women legislators on-line. These calls offer the chance to get first-hand information about subjects not covered in everyday headlines. More details will be announced soon. If you do not regularly receive our twice weekly e-blast updates, sign up here:

D – Donate! You knew that was coming! Please consider helping us set our budget by making Georgia’s WIN List a recurring part of your monthly budget.  Set up a monthly donation  at the level of a nice dinner out or the price of a new white blouse you don’t really need! Monthly gifts set a firm foundation for our year round efforts to recruit candidates and keep members of the WIN List community better informed. Donate here:

E – Entertain the idea of hosting a WIN List house party for a group of your politically like minded friends. These house parties have become a key way we recruit donors and volunteers. Those attending house parties helped place more than 2,000 calls for a WIN endorsed candidate in a special election. WIN List Executive Director and Founding Chair Melita Easters or one of our board members will be happy to meet with your group to talk about what we do and our proven record of success. Email Melita at for more information.

F – Find your voice and become an advocate who holds elected officials at the local, state and national level accountable for their actions. As you make your voice heard, you inform those officials who “represent” you where you stand. Sometimes elected officials need the “cover” of constituent contact if they wish to make a courageous stand against the principles of their party platform. In a purple turning blue state like Georgia, expressing your opinion may well give your representatives that “cover.” If you don’t know who represents you, check it out here and then put your representatives on speed dial: Link

Georgia’s WIN List has helped elect and re-elect more than 55 women to the Georgia General Assembly since we were founded in 2000. We have trained countless others for local offices. We have a strong bench of women leaders ready to run statewide in 2018. There is no better way to be a part of the “Resistance” than joining the efforts of a group with a proven record of success.

We welcome enthusiastic newcomers to our WINning Team! We can do even more to prepare for the 2018 election cycle with your help. Ours is a long term approach with a proven record of success.