by Georgia's WIN List | Jun 7, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN List
The Rev. Kim Jackson effectively weaves her unique perspective of rural farmgirl roots, an urban ministry to Atlanta’s homeless community and service as Georgia’s first openly LGBTQ+ senator into compelling storytelling for the Senate well, public appearances, or a...
by Georgia's WIN List | May 31, 2023 | Featured Legislator, WIN Blog
Elected in 2014, Senator Elena Parent is Chairwoman of the Senate Democratic Caucus, a platform she utilizes as an energetic and eloquent advocate to promote gun safety, preserve reproductive freedom, ensure fair elections and fully fund and protect public education....
by Georgia's WIN List | May 29, 2023 | Press, WIN Blog
Originally published in the Saporta Report This Memorial Day, it is appropriate to remember Lt. General Hal Moore and his wife Julie, for whom the Columbus, Ga., Army base was renamed earlier this month to honor their individual achievements and highlight the...
by Georgia's WIN List | May 29, 2023 | WIN Blog
Julie Compton Moore: “One of the Finest Army Wives Who Ever Walked” From her birth on an Army base to her burial plot on the Georgia Army base now named for she and her husband, Lt. General Harold G. Moore, Julie Compton Moore’s life was centered around the United...