by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 17, 2019 | WIN Blog
Some of the women enrolled in the 2019-20 WIN Leadership Academy Inspire Your Inner WINner training are planning to run for municipal office this fall. Former United States Speaker Tip O’Neill is most often credited with the saying, “All politics is local.” Certainly...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 8, 2019 | WIN Blog
Photo Credit: Atlanta Magazine. Find district maps here. While a particular sword shaped district in North Carolina has become a favorite of political cartoonists who lampoon the practice of gerrymandering, Georgia’s House, Senate and Congressional district lines are...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jul 8, 2019 | WIN Blog
Image Credit: U.S. Soccer WNT As members of the triumphant United States women’s soccer team wore gold medals around their necks celebrating their fourth World Cup victory Sunday afternoon, the sold out crowd at Stade de Lyon erupted in a deafening chant, “Equal pay!...
by Georgia's WIN List | Jun 26, 2019 | WIN Blog
Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner was among the first class of WIN List endorsed women elected in 2000 and became the first lesbian legislator to serve in any southeastern state. The WIN List endorsement was a turning point for her campaign as it was one of the first she...