by Georgia's WIN List | May 24, 2019 | WIN Blog
Sometimes, for women, the necessary preparations to get ready for a long holiday weekend create a high level of stress. Invariably, we set aside interesting looking articles about current events for later. In recent days, there have been many articles about...
by Georgia's WIN List | Apr 12, 2019 | WIN Blog
Written by: Melita Easters, Executive Director and Founding Chair of Georgia’s WIN List So quintessentially southern it’s known as southern pâté in some circles, pimento cheese is a cornerstone for any accomplished southern cook’s repertoire. My “WINning...
by Georgia's WIN List | Mar 26, 2019 | WIN Blog
What Happened Last Week in the Senate Last Friday (March 22, 2019), the State Senate passed a committee substitute to HB 481 by a party-line vote of 34 to 18 following an emotional and gut-wrenching four-hour debate early Friday evening. HB 481 is the six-week...
by Georgia's WIN List | Mar 20, 2019 | WIN Blog
WHAT’S HAPPENED SO FAR Last week, Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan appointed Senator William Ligon (R-Brunswick) to the Senate Science and Technology committee as an “ex-officio” member. This appointment stacked the committee’s deck in the Republicans’ favor, pitting three...