“Traditional” Values?

OK, so I stole the title of this post from Amy Morton who has already posted on Blog for Democracy comments from Joni Woolf –  WIN supporter, feminist and righteous women – regarding Glenn Beck’s ridiculous plea that we need to return to traditional...

Yasmin Neal

Checks Payable To: Friends to Elect Yasmin Neal Campaign Address:525 Hannover Circle, Stockbridge, GA 30281 Campaign Phone: 678-656-6589 Email: washingtondwayne@hotmail.com Website:www.yasminneal.com Yasmin is a native of Clayton County .  She is a graduate of...

Planning is Everything!

Hey Georgia’s WIN List, my name is Folana Houston and I am one of three WIN Staffers in Texas at Campaign School this year. It’s only our second day and I have already learned SO MUCH! Last night the group was divided into three teams, Blue, Red and Yellow. We were...

WIN Corp Q & A

Q: How do I apply? A: It’s competitive. Start by emailing, faxing or mailing your completed application (available here), two letters of recommendation and a copy of your resume by the deadline. Finalists will be interviewed by phone shortly thereafter.     Q: How do...