Being a pro-choice woman candidate for a Middle Georgia House seat was a political liability in 2000 and led to the defeat of Kay Pippin, who was among the first group of women candidates the founding board of Georgia WIN List endorsed.
But, Kay Pippin persevered, continuing her career in public service with 11 years as President of the Henry County Chamber of Commerce beginning in 2002. During her tenure, she was heralded for her inspirational leadership as the county began a period of rapid growth and economic development. She was a leader of the Economics & Education Initiative for the county which led to the placement of a technical college.
She has more recently served two terms from 2013 to 2021 as the first woman mayor in Jackson’s 195-year history. Previously, she had worked more than 30 years for the Georgia Association of Educators as a lobbyist and advocate for public education and public school employees while also serving on the Butts County Board of Education for nine years.
The Capitol celebration to honor Kay Pippin’s 55-year career of public service is planned Wednesday (3-30) on the second floor South Capitol staircase beginning at 1:45 pm. The program is open to the public.
Among the “Clean, Green & Safe” accomplishments during Mrs. Pippin’s tenure as Jackson Mayor are the following:
- Jackson continued a 46-year history of no property taxes while still maintaining a healthy rainy-day fund and incurring no debt other than vehicle leases.
- Jackson secured five major grants totaling $2.3 million which helped pay for the installation of approximately four miles of new water and sewer infrastructure, constructed The Creeks — 10.75 miles of mountain biking and hiking trails, and installed new pipes assuring an adequate water supply for fire protection in the industrial park.
- The city purchased a new, state-of-the-art fire truck, multiple new police vehicles and trucks and other maintenance vehicles across departments.
- City employees have received regular salary increases, have a well-funded pension program, health insurance and other important benefits.
- The city removed more than 145 blighted properties, planted trees, landscaped downtown, installed a fitness pad, paved streets and built sidewalks.
Georgia WIN List celebrates our long association with Kay Pippin and her exemplary record of public service. She is a stellar example of how women can find great paths to service without being elected to the General Assembly via non-elected community roles or at the hometown level with elected service in elected city, county of school board seats. Butts County and Jackson, Georgia are better for her service. As Women’s History Month concludes, we salute Kay Pippin for her important role in Georgia WIN List history and for her many accomplishments!