A vibrant group of over 30 Savannahians convened on August 12th at our first 2015 regional event: “Introducing Georgia’s WIN List to Savannah”. The purpose was to share the WIN story and develop early support as we expand WIN’s reach to Savannah and Southeast Georgia. We are developing a plan for potential public events in Savannah during 2015 and 2016.
Murem Sharpe, WIN Board member from Savannah, hosted the event and was emcee. From WIN we were addressed by Melita Easters, founding Chair and now Executive Director of Georgia’s WIN List, who spoke about WIN’s accomplishments since its 2000 founding and its future objectives, and Amanda Hollowell, the first Savannah member of the Class of 2015 WIN Leadership Academy (WLA), who addressed a core strength of WIN— to identify, train, elect, and re-elect progressive women candidates.
We heard from leading Savannah elected officials: Mayor Edna Jackson, School Board Member Julie Wade, Esq., and School Board Member Dr. Dionne Hoskins. We listened to two women candidates running in the Aldermanic election as they explained their compelling reasons for seeking public office: Bernetta Bryant Lanier for District 1 and Kim Dulek for District 3. The Q&A session moderated by Amanda Hollowell brought the evening to a productive conclusion with challenging and informative give-and-take.
Thanks to everyone who attended!
WIN List Board Member and emcee Murem Sharpe, and WIN Founding Chair and Executive Director Melita Easters.