Fulton County – 20 endorsements include 14 incumbents: Senators SD 36 Nan Orrock and SD 39 Sonya Halpern as well as Representatives HD 50 Dr. Michelle Au, HD 51 Esther Panitch, HD 52 Shea Roberts, HD 54 Betsy Holland, HD 55 Inga Willis, HD 57 Stacey Evans, HD 58 Park Cannon, HD 60 Sheila Jones, HD 62 Tanya Miller, HD 63 Kim Schofield, HD 67 Lydia Glaize, and HD 67 Debra Bazemore. Fulton has six “new face” candidates: SD 6 Jenny Enderlin, SD 21 Lillia Michell Lionel, HD 25 Elaine Padgett, HD 47 Deborah Shigley. HD 48 Laura Murvartian, and HD 53 Susie Greenberg.

DeKalb County13 endorsements for incumbents include: Senators SD 17 Gail Davenport, SD 40 Sally Harrell, SD 41 The Rev. Kim Jackson, SD 43 Tonya Anderson, and SD 44 Elena Parent, as well as Representatives HD 83 Karen Lupton, HD 84 Mary Margaret Oliver, HD 85 Dr. Karla Drenner, HD 86 Imani Barnes, HD 90 Saira Draper, HD 92 Rhonda Taylor, HD 95 Dar’shun Kendrick, and HD 108 Dr. Jasmine Clark.

Gwinnett County Nine endorsements include seven incumbents – Senators SD 7 Nabilah Islam, SD 9 Nikki Merritt, SD 40 Sally Harrell, and SD 41 The Rev. Kim Jackson as well as representatives HD 97 Ruwa Romman, HD 106 Shelly Hutchinson, and HD 108 Dr. Jasmine Clark. There are two “new face” candidates HD 48 Laura Murvartian and HD 99 Michelle Kang.

Cobb County – Six endorsements include four Representatives HD 35 Lisa Campbell, HD 37 Mary Frances Williams, and HD 39 Terry Cummings; as well as HD 61 Rep.-elect Mekyah McQueen, and candidate for HD 44 Danielle Bell.

Clayton County Five endorsements include – Senators Gail Davenport and Elena Parent and Representatives Sandra Scott and Yasmin Neal as well as SD 35 Kenya Wicks.

Four counties have three WIN List endorsed women: Bibb – HD 142 Rep. Miriam Paris, HD 143 Anissa Jones and HD 145 Tangie Herring; Columbiacandidates – HD 23 Shayna Boston, HD 123 Hope Beard and HD 131 Heather White; Forsyth – HD 24 Randye Dugan, HD 25 Elaine Padgett, and HD 100 Jennifer Ambler, Henry – Representatives HD 76 Sandra Scott and HD 115 Regina Lewis Ward joined by Rep.-elect Mary Ann Santos.

These 16 counties each have two WIN List endorsed women: Chatham – Representatives HD 163 Anne Allen Westbrook and HD 165 Edna Jackson; Cherokee – SD 21 Lillia Michell Lionel and HD 47 Debra Shigley, Clarke – SD 46 – Gareth Fenley and HD 124 Melanie Miller, Coweta – HD 67 Rep. Lydia Glaize and SD 6 Jenny Enderlin, Douglas – HD 66 Rep. Kimberlyn Alexander and HD 64 Sylvia Wayfer Baker, Emanuel – SD 23 Shayna Boston and HD 158 Madeline Ryan Smith, Habersham SD 50 June Krise and HD 10 Paulette Williams, Muscogee – Representatives HD 137 Debbie Buckner and HD 141 Carolyn Hugley, Paulding – HD 66 Rep. Kimberlyn Alexander and HD 124 Melanie Miller, Rabun – SD 50 June Krise and HD 8 Charlotte Sloczkowski, Richmond – HD 130 Rep. Lynn Gladney and SD 23 Shayna Boston, Rockdale – SH 43 Senator Tonya Anderson and HD 92 Rep. Rhonda Taylor, Sumpter – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims and HD 150 Rep. Patty Stinson, Towns – SD 50 June Krise and HD 8 Charlotte Sloczkowski, Troup – HD 137 Rep. Debbie Buckner and SD 6 Jenny Enderlin, and White – HD 8 Charlotte Sloczkowski and HD 10 Paulette Williams.

The following 55 counties have one WIN List Endorsed legislator or candidate: Baker – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Banks – SD 50 June Krise, Ben Hill – HD 169 Theresa Rewis, Bulloch – HD 158 Madeline Ryan Smith, Burke – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Calhoun – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Candler – HD 158 Madeline Ryan Smith, Carroll – SD 6 Jenny Enderlin, Clay – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Coffee – HD 169 Theresa Rewis, Dooly – HD 150 Rep. Patty Stinson, Dougherty – SD 12 Sen. Freddie Powell Sims, Elbert – HD 123 Hope Beard, Fayette – SD 34 Kenya Wicks, Franklin – SD 50 June Krise, Glascock – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Glynn – HD 147 Rebekah Moore, Gordon – HD 6 Cathy Kott, Grady – HD 173 Theresa Thomas, Greene – HD 124 Melanie Miller, Hall – HD 30 Kim Floria, Haralson – SD 6 Jenny Enderlin, Houston – HD 143 Anissa Jones, Irwin – HD 169 Theresa Rewis, Jackson – SD 50 June Krise, Jefferson – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Jenkins – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Lincoln – HD 123 Hope Beard, Macon – HD 150 Rep. Patty Stinson, Madison – HD 123 Hope Beard, McDuffie – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Meriwether – HD 137 Rep Debbie Buckner, Mitchell – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Monroe – HD 145 Tangie Herring, Murray – HD 6 Cathy Kott, Oconee – SD 46 Gareth Fenley, Peach – HD 150 Rep. Patty Stinson, Putnam – HD 124 Melanie Miller, Quitman – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Stephens – SD 50 June Krise, Stewart – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Talbot – HD 137 Rep. Debbie Buckner, Taliaferro – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Taylor – HD 150 Rep. Patty Stinson, Telfair – HD 124 Melanie Miller, Terrell – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Thomas – HD 173 Theresa Thomas, Tift – HD 169 Theresa Rewis, Treutlen – HD 158 Madeline Ryan Smith, Turner – HD 169 Theresa Rewis, Union – HD 8 Charlotte Sloczkowski, Walton – SD 46 Gareth Fenley, Warren – SD 23 Shayna Boston, Webster – SD 12 Senator Freddie Powell Sims, Whitfield – HD 6 Cathy Kott, and Wilkes – HD 123 Hope Beard.